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Harvey's Impact on the Commercial Real Estate Market

12,000 properties with roughy 433 million square feet totaling around $55 Billion are located within the impact area. CoStar has released their initial stats and white paper on the event. Of interest are the most valuable properties list, the clear depiction of what areas are most heavily impacted, and which areas have the largest market impact based on density and value. Any major metro market impact will result in opportunity for those fortunate enough not to be in the thick of the tragedy to make strategic movements. Are you interested in equity positions, intensely vetted crowdfunding opportunities, or direct investments? We are. Pre Harvey we had our heads and pocket books in the market as well as boots on the ground but have been insulated from the physical devastation. We have the infrastructure to move into quick, helpful, socially responsible, and profitable positions. Get familiarized with the state of the market by reading the white paper here and then give me a call to discuss specifics.

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